Chapter Ten - Little Secret

At school the next day, I kind of avoided everyone. Cleo texted me a few times but I didn't look at at a single message. I felt nauseated. My skin seemed corrupted; I wanted to hide. Every once in a while, I thought I'd feel someone staring at me. It was probably her. Was she worried about what happened yesterday too?

What if she was disappointed in me? What if I was just reacting badly? This was awful. Something I hadn't for seen.. Why did I meet Cleo in the first place? Her angelic presence was becoming more overwhelming each day.

In chemistry, Valentina sat next to me, but she didn't really say much. The teacher was giving us a long lecture today, and she dutifully took notes. Her crimson hair covered her face, but every once in a while, she'd glance at me. I found myself staring at her hands as she wrote. She wrote quickly and her letters were kind of old fashioned, like the writing you'd find in an old diary.

When the bell rang, she was still writing despite the fact that everyone else had put away her things. Her focus was honestly admirable. I wish I could actually listen in a lecture. When I heard the teachers speak, it was just noise. I could compare it to static really. All classes just became empty to me. Would I be able to graduate? Probably not. But I'd probably end my life before next year, so it didn't matter very much to me anymore.

I found myself staring at my hands as I waited for her. My brain wouldn't calm down and I kept replaying last night in my head. Cleo's hands on my back. Her hands were like spider limbs against my skin. Was I just a bug stuck in her silky web? A complicated giant web that was impossible to escape...

I felt a hand touch my shoulder, and I straightened up. My heart skipped a beat only to realize it was Valentina. She analyzed me with her oversoft gaze "Are you okay?" she asked.

The chemistry teacher walked out of the room leaving us alone, probably thinking I was about to have a breakdown or something. He wouldn't have been wrong.

I was going to say yes, but I felt bad lying to her. She was so kind, and her sincerity leaked through her words. Her gaze locked me into place.

I could feel my eyes began to burn, and I felt a tear being held up by the lower eyelashes before slipping down my cheek. A little laugh escaped my mouth. "I'm pretty scared actually."

She looked away and her face seemed to redden. Her reddening face contrasted with her violet lipstick. "Did Cleo do something?" she muttered.

"Nothing bad," I reassured her. "I was just surprised. "Dating is not what I expected. I don't think I like it."

Valentina sighed and picked up her backpack. "I need to tell you something." She refused to look me in the eyes as she prepared to leave the classroom.

I nodded, and she finally looked at me. Her eyes were watering when she spoke.

"My brother dated Cleo, and he killed himself."

Chapter Eleven - Oh (Unfinished)