Chapter Six - Can You See My Invisible Angel Wings

I walked towards the door feeling kind of anxious. An angel inviting me to hangout with her.. It was odd that she was inviting me out so early right before school started, but I didn't care. I couldn't say no to her, could I?

I softly tipped downstairs hoping my mom wouldn't wake up and wonder what I was doing. Luckily, she seemed to remain asleep or at least she didn't leave her room. I opened the front door and Cleo was already there. She smiled at me softly. Today her dusty brown hair was down, falling in silk-like threads slightly below her shoulders. Her caramel skin was a bit dewy, and she almost seemed otherworldly under the dark cloudy sky.

I closed the door behind me, and she began to speak, "You woke up rather early," she began. Her fingers quickly grasped my hand and she began to walk with me. "You must've gone to sleep early yesterday?"

I nodded, my face burning. I couldn't speak anymore. Now that I thought about it, it would've been a lot easier to pretend I had been sleeping... I told myself I was excited to her though even though I was kind of scared.

"Are you okay? You don't need too be nervous around me." She reassured me, but honestly, it made me feel worse. I didn't know if she sensed it or not, but she didn't seem to care. Her grip on my hand didn't loosen, and we continued walking. The silence between us slithered around my throat. Perhaps I'd pass out.

Finally, she asked, "What kind of music do you like?"

"I like.. indie music.. you know like the music that doesn't come on the r-radio?" I mumbled.. my voice slowly died.

She finally let go of my hand and pulled out her phone. She scrolled through it, and I took the opportunity to put my hands in my pockets, so she wouldn't be able to clench them again.

A song began to play. A soft voice started out, humming. "I made this song," Cleo muttered. She seemed a bit flustered, surprisingly. "I hope you like it."

The words were so soft and mixed into the soft strings in the song that it was kind of difficult to understand. Still, I could make it out.

"Sometimes I wonder why
God put me here
Among the normal people
Where none of them can see

But you treat me like an angel
You see me as a queen
I always dream of you
I hope you pray to me

Can you feel it
I'll never let you go
You're mine
Mine alone

I saw you staring at me
In the harsh light of the halls
I tried to speak because-
I wondered what you see

Can you feel it
I'd kill for you my dear
The way you say my name
is almost suffocating..."

The rest of the song was her softly humming. It was actually very pretty. I wondered if she took voice lessons.

When the song ended, I quietly muttered, "Your voice is pretty."

Her eyes lit up, and she began to speak rapidly, "I actually sing soprano in the choir, and I play piano, guitar, and ukelele. I love writing music... I took a break for a while though. I was feeling sad for a bit but then I you staring at me in the hallway sometimes. I thought I imagined it at first. I was super inspired. Have you ever felt validated by a tiny gesture?"

I shook my head. I'd never seen her eyes so bright. I could feel myself smiling a little. Her attitude was infectious. Have you ever seen someone sparkling? Like when they're so excited that the entire atmosphere around them shifts. I guess music is her thing. I wondered if I would have a thing that made me that happy.

We walked to school, and she was ecstatic the entire time. She talked about her desires to make an album, her wish to be seen as a living angel in the music industry, her time in choir, the solo she had in the next program, it was heart warming. The sun was beginning to rise by the time we got to the school.

And honestly, she really did seem like an angel in the light.

Chapter Seven - Your Hair Is Red Today