12.29.24 | the flu

hello girls. you might be wondering. wow it's the 29th. ommatophilia is out. christmas has passed. it's almost new year's eve. yay. i love new year's eve. it'd be perfect if only this small tiny thing hadn't occured-
mala has the flu!!! and she's fucking dying!!!
it is frustrating. god continues to punish me. a day or two, i was really going crazy. i stared at a spot over me thinking a man was right there. i knew it was a hallucination, but it was the most realistic hallucination i've ever had. i felt like a deer in the headlights- completely frozen. i blinked several times and eventually, he disappeared. it was horrifying. usually my hallucinations are men who are about to Get me or they aren't that close to me, and i haven't had one in a while.
now i'm okayish. my fever is gone. i was 102 yesterday, which was the fourth day of it, but it finally broke today- thank god. when this sore throat is gone, i'll be sweet as pie. my throat feels super raw and painful right now. i can barely finish any meals because i give up on eating anything because it's just too painful.
It's okayaaaayaya. though. We're chilling. Good vibrations. I'm not gonna lie guys. I don't really feel like myself. I feel like I can't draw. I don't wanna do anything. My skin feels hot and uncomfortable- I wanna peel it off. I'm paranoid, but it's fine. I'm vibing. It's almost New Year's. Everything's gonna be okay. Nothing's wrong. I'm vibing. My friends are awesome. My enemies are burning in hell. My dog is sitting in front of me curled up in a ball. The music I'm playing is nice to vibe to. It's actually a bit irritating, but I can put on something else. It's that easy. Things are easy to change with a snap of your fingers.
2025 is gonna be great. New fantastic things are gonna happen. I'm gonna make new games, experience new things, friendships are gonna end new controversies aregonna happena dn I'm going to cry a lot and it'sg oing to be really terrible but I will survive it all because I do everytime! It'll all be okay surely :D !!! Even with all of this fear!!!!
12.8.24 | the holiday spirit

i've chilled out. lol. i mean i'm still horribly depressed but i'm not about to kill myself like i was the other day. yesterday i left my room and went to the mall with friends for christmas shopping and also went to thed ining hall. You might be thinking... Christmas shopping? With what money? My friend gave me money for Secret Santa. Aren't they sweet as pie?
i have a christmas party and final project to turn in today so yippie. leaving my room more. i actuallyshouldn't eb writing this entry and should be getting ready for the xmas party. i'll try to take pictures of what i'm wearing for the xmas party. smiles. it's more of the same since i wear tartan so much haha though i haven't worn lara's doll that much this year so mayube it will besurprising. i also technically own a christmasy white and red skirt, but i don't feel like steaming it. it's one of those thick cotton putumayo skirts. it's super cute. i could wear it with the wool jane marple cardigan with it and a white blouse and a white blow and my red andwhite socks and maybe my rocking horse shoes.. hm.
anyway, i just came here to express my hysteria as per usual. my mom gave me the option of choosing all my gifts from amazon or letting her give me money after saying she wouldn't buy things from the list i gave her due to "little time," "not knowing the shops well," and "not understanding why the shipping price is so high" (quote "That doesn't make sense! Plenty of things are from China") i thought abt it pretty hard.
my mom will give me gifts from amazon, but they tend to.. break. and i don't really wanna buy anymore things from amazon that'll break. of course there's hygeine stuff and books but i'm trying to collect rarer artbooks nowadays and like egl magazine. that's what sparks the most joy for me really,. i thought abt asking for the ghibli artbooks or the nausicaa or dragon ball box sets but.. to be honest I just don't have space for stuff like that because I live in a dorm room haha.do you know how big the dragon ball box set is? i saw it at a bookstore the other day.. crazy. toriyama was a beast (rest in peace).
i thought about it more in depth but i realized that like.. maybe i'm just too old to celebrate christmas with immediate family. then i started thinking about having a girlfriend in our own little apartment with our own tree with a beautiful rug (important). we can exchange a small amount of gifts that are really important to us without having to make a ~list~ of things that we really want. it's not really as fun if you make a list anyways. surprise is a big factor!
what a dream. living with someone and celebrating traditions with them.. having income.. i got rejected from that job where the lady said she wanted to work with me, and she hasn't responded to my messages on linkedin.. really feeling like NEET future stuck at home is getting closer...
lol. whatever. instagram gives me a lot of jobless comp sci student reels and it scares me but i try not to let it get to me.
gotta go get ready for party now,,
12.4.24 | barely alive. slime
i have work soon. ijust blegh. i wanna go to sleep. i wanna melt into my bed. i htink i give up on my classes. who gives a shit?i waited all semester. i should just accept my fate now lol. it's over for me.
i don't know. my stupid brain is like "Maybe if i see something beautiful, i'll want to live again." but that's such a joke right. I went to Japan this summer, and here I am wallowing. The entire latter half of this wasted wallowing in my fucking bed. i wish my skin had melted into the sheets, and i'd been unable to move, but instead i have to live my life dealing with the muscle atrophy and other various consequences of my actions.
killing myself genuinely does sound nice and realistic lately, but when i left home, my youngest sister cried as i left the car to enter the airport. i felt so bad. i can't do that to her. and well, i also have some spite. my mom still thinks my mental health problems are my fault. i'm not praying enough. i'm not talking to god enough. i'm not listening to her enough. it's because i'm gay. it's because i like weird music. fuck off.
i don't even know what to do lol. i don't wanna work i don't really wanna be an RA but i do want money so i have to continue to try my best even though they'll probably let me go my senior year for being depressed as hell HAHA. everyone's always like "we support our workers" but then you get depressed and they let you go as soon aas you start to show any signs of difficulty doing your job. hahaha.
i used to love this time of year. i liked the cold. i liked christmas. but i just feel kind of irritated now. i don't wanna go outside because it's freezing. i have no fucking money because of all this travel. my mom slips in her sobriety pretty consistently. there's finals. i have to spend money i don't have on Christmas gifts.
i know i probably just need to be on new meds, but going to any psychiatric appointment is so fucking expensive and i'll have to deal with more potential side affects. i don't wanna play this game anymore. can someone just kill me so no one thinks i committed suicide? please? or lock me up somewhere until i forget what everything is like?
i'm tired of everything. why is it so much work to live a simple life.