9.17.24 | I AM NOW A CYCLIST.

Hey babes. I got a bike from Dick's Sporting Goods. The dude who helped me was awesome. It's a mountain bike. I grew up riding a mountain bike, so it feels very comfortable to me. I biked 3 miles today. I didn't intend to bike as much as I did, but... Google lied to me. I wasn't paying much attention. It told me the buses ran until 11. I thought that seemed a bit late. I checked again and it said 7.
I had my doubts, but that seemed right. So I took a bus to the mall to go to miniso and buy an umbrella. Dick's Sporting Goods was nearby, and I thought I wanted to bike and the buses here have bike racks on the front of them. So, I bought a bike with the help of this really awesome bike tech. We talked a bit. He's majoring in Geosciences. So awesome. He helped me so much. He installed a kickstand for me and said if I ever needed simple repairs, he'd just do them for free. It was no biggie.
I biked to Walmart to pick up my medication, but biked to the wrong walmart. I can't believe this place has two Walmarts. This is my junior year here, and I only knew of one. Amazing. And I can't believe Google didn't like... give me a warning or anything. I mean that's not Google's job. Clearly, I should've been more careful, but I just didn't think this town was big enough to two Walmarts and a Kroger. I wonder if there's more than one Kroger too.
Biking.. truly felt.. life changing. It wasn't nearly as beautiful as biking in rural England or anything, but as I felt.. Alive again? I mean fuck the cars for real, but it wasn't horrible. I mean it was horrible but worth it. I just.. need to go earlier in the day, so that I can make sure I can take the bus to places and I don't get stranded again. My bike hardly fit in my friend's car haha.
I definitely don't plan to bike that far again. And if I do, I'll be taking the bus for part of it. It was really wonderful. Being a pedestrian makes me feel like a human in the world. Often I feel way too big for everything.Like, I'm in my dorm room right now, and I feel as though I'm taking up too much space. But, when it's just me and my bike and the scenery around me, it feels so great. So nice. Tomorrow I'm thinking I'll bike to the cemetery.
Will I probably get hit by a car someday? Maybe. Let's hope not though! I'll stick to quiet roads okay? Okay.. So many places to visit. The world has opened up! And I think... maybe I can build up my stamina and get healthier! Biking.. 3 miles.. Was a bit much for a first time spin..
PS.. hopefully will provide a more substantial update on what I've been up to tomorrow or later this week. Been so tired and trying to be less online!