welcome to heaven.

i am the webmistress, mala. i have been running this website since 06/19/2020. i delete pages at random, and i love breaking things and not fixing them for months at a time. this is my rss feed. it's not updated as well as i'd like, but hopefully it allows you to not completely forget about me. there's just so many people on the web.

thank you so much for visiting. i really appreciate you

to do list
- revive second life page i miss you girl
- finish doll maker game (i'm so lazy)
- make tunes page look better
- regular show essay
- update diary layout
- clean up neighbors page (i'm just really sentimental)
- update friends page
- maybe make every page responsive haha (surely will happen when i have a break from school and can rework every page. it's designed on my ipad and i know how just not implemented because pixels are more fun than responsive values)
- more oc pages of course
- get rehAI web page working
- bla bla bla so much so little time

display case